Vaginitis Panel
Interlab’s Vaginitis Panel is imperative in detecting prevalent infections such as Trichomonas, Candida and Bacterial Vaginosis among others.
What sets Interlab apart is our method of microscopic examination and special stains that produce reliable results, in contrast to the PCR molecular method that detects organisms solely on the organism’s number of available copies. If insufficient copies are present, the organism goes undetected yielding a “False Negative” result.
Our highly trained cytologists report not only microorganisms present but also rule out those not present. We personalize results to provide study specific reports for our clients and include a photo of microorganisms and abnormal cells found during the examination. The preventive significance of our Vaginitis Panel is invaluable in early stage detection of pathogenic organisms for early treatment and prevention of infection-related complications such as premature birth, PID and infertility.
Our microscopic method yields extensive diagnostic results to provide insight on therapeutic development. Our combined pioneering technology and professional expertise provide precise and reliable results. An added bonus of the microscopic method is detection of abnormal cells and presence of endometrial cells in postmenopausal patients that go undetected with the molecular method.
Our test panel goes a step beyond the standard Vaginitis Panel by testing for:
1. Trichomonas
2. Candida
3. Bacterial Vaginosis
4. Actinomyces
5. Herpes
6. Lactobacilli
7. Endometrial Cells (in PMP subjects)
8. Abnormal Squamous Cells
9. Atrophic Vaginiti