NT- proBNP
Tests for BNP and NT-proBNP measure their levels in the blood in order to detect and evaluate heart failure.
Interlab’s detection of NT- proBNP is imperative for diagnosis of clinical problems associated with left ventricular dysfunction. The advent of testing for BNPs has improved the ability of health care providers to make a qualified diagnosis of heart failure and conducive to monitor the success of treatment.

Testing levels of NT-proBNP in patient blood samples is very useful as these levels are indicative of the degree of HF, and when combined with clinical judgment they provide superior diagnostic performance than clinical judgment alone.
NT-pro BNP is used for risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndrome and HF. It has also been shown to aid in the assessment of increased risk of cardiovascular events and mortality in patients at risk for HF who have stable coronary artery disease.
Interlab supports numerous research studies involving NT – proBNP testing. Our highly experienced team of technologists performs quantification of NT-proBNP in EDTA whole blood